The North Bay Naval Association is hosting a dinner on Sunday August 10, 2014
to celebrate their anniversary.
RCL BR 76 is having its annual Golf Tournament at Pine Grove Golf Course on Highway 69 S on July 13th at 9:00AM. We have entered teams in the past and have done well. Cost is $ 60.00 each which includes all;
Green Fees, Cart, Prizes, Dinner after at the legion. Barbeque steak . Extra Dinner guest cost is. $ 15.00
Let me know by/ASAP. First paid 15 teams . Only 5 teams paid at this time. or 705 674-7246
Memberships are now due for 2014. Please send in fee of $ 25.00 to Bill Ranich or call at 1-705-368-3181 or send to 190 Hyland Drive, Sudbury, ON. P3C 1E4. Thank You to the Ship Mates who have paid.